Corporate Events

FPZERO Simulators

Hire our simulators for events so your guests can experience the sensations of driving a real race car to the limit and beyond.

Our packages are tailored to the requirements of your corporate event or party. Use the simulator experience as a tool in your next team building event for employees or to impress your clients or generate new leads and networking opportunities.

Perfectly mobile

All-in-One Solution

The Pro I was developed as a compact and portable solution without compromising performance. This allows us to easily manoeuvre it into perfectly into location. With one cable we are ready to go to maximise the efficiency and smooth running of your event.


With just a single power cable to connect to the simulator, you will be up and running in no time!


When collapsed, the simulator is only 68cm x 140cm.
At full size it is only 200cm x 140cm

GT & Formula

Fully Adjustable

Our focus has been to create a simulator that can handle a driver of any shape and size. This is made possible with our custom pedal and steering assemblies and motorsport grade seat sliders. You can quickly switch from 4'8" to 6'8" in a few swift moments. Thanks to the design of the cockpit, your simulator is made to measure.

Formula? GT? Touring? We have you covered. The ergonomics of either configuration are designed to give you a realistic driving position so you can train your muscles and give you the optimal view from the seat.

Seat Position
Seat Position

With a motorsport grade seat slider, you can easily adjust the driving seat making it perfect for swapping drivers.

Steering Height & Angle
Steering Height & Angle

To help accommodate drivers of all heights, the steering system can be positioned to fit the driver with our unique quick release system.

Pedal Position
Pedal Position

To ensure maximum comfort, the pedals can be easily moved to get the correct reach. To get the perfect positioning for heal and toe braking, each pedal is individually placed.

Engage your clients

Networking Opportunity

A simulator is the perfect talking point at any event. Whether it is an addon for an existing event or a standalone event, you can be sure your guests are engaged in a fun, friendly, competitive environment. Bring together likeminded people, or challenge them to something different. Something new.

Engage clients

Team Building

Encourage your guests to work together using the simulator as a centralised talking point. Run team time-attack challenges to see which team can progress each other the fastest to have the best overall time.

Challenge eachother with Hot Lap Leaderboard

Race Weekend Hospitality

Whether you want to enhance the hospitality for your team, an individual driver or a championship organiser a simulator at the track is the perfect solution. Have your guests drive your car at the circuit you are at. Let them battle it out to set the fastest time of the weekend. Have your drivers set benchmarks and run competitions to see who can "beat the pro". The possibilities are endless!

Not only can we be an addition to your hospitality, we can provide standalone hospitality at any race circuit along with one of our professional grade simulators. Whether it is a private box for your guests or somewhere to pop into within the paddock to have a coffee and run on the simulator, we can make it happen!

Entertainment for guests and visitors, Porsche Carrera Cup

Stand out in the crowd


Exhibitions are a fantastic way of engaging exiting clients with your brand and generating new leads. A simulator is a fantastic way of drawing attention to your stand where you can showcase your product, collect information, raise brand awareness and generate potential sales.

Simulators are not just powerful for automotive exhibitions, but they work in a variety of situations. We can showcase your product within the simulator, offer a competitive environment with prizes to engage existing and prospective clients or just use it as a tool to obtain exchange information. Get in touch to discuss your ideas!

Draw leads to your exhibition stand

Live streaming

Entertainment for all

Whether you want a single simulator or multiple simulators, we offer the ability to enhance your guest's experience by harnessing live streaming and real-time reactions from drivers.

Link up with front-facing cameras to catch the reactions as they take to the track. Have an additional screen with TV style broadcasting following the ontrack action. Listen to the cheer of spectators as people overtake, crash and just enjoy the whole experience!

Live stream to a second screen

That extra touch

Professional Drivers

We can provide professional drivers to make your event feel extra special. Our drivers have won in prototypes, the British Touring Cars Championship, Porsches, Ferraris, GT3, GT4, various single seater championships and more.

They can coach for your guests on our simulator, provide insights into racing, interactive Q & A sessions and so much more.

Professional drivers from Porsche, Ferrari, Aston Martin, Bentley


Your Branding

The devil is in the detail. At any event it is important that your brand is recognisable. With a number of branding opportunities for an event; including on track, car livery, the simulator itself and more your simulator experience will be perfectly tailored to your brand.

Company branding for your event

The Perfect Solution

Whether you want the simulator to add excitement to an existing event or as a standalone event we can tailor a package to suit your needs.

Our collaboration with High Voltage Events means we can provide more than just a simulator at your event. How does a fire show and fire breathing sound!?

Plan Your Event Today

Are you ready to discuss your simulation needs?


Bedfordshire, UK


